The Evidence is Clear On This One

Let’s face it. The evidence is everywhere we turn: Physical therapists (and PT students!) have incredible drive, work ethic and dedication to what they do and to the people they guide toward movement.

Most of us soak up everything from the latest research to the most time-tested techniques. We consume anything that’ll make us better, more effective PTs, and ultimately master clinicians. All of this, we digress, is good for NAIOMT, because that’s what we do. We mentor and teach at every stage in a PT’s journey, from Level I and advanced courses, to fellowships and residencies.


So today let’s talk Level II courses and what they can do for you (in addition to racking up those valuable continuing education hours that is!)

Level II courses continue a strong focus on your clinical reasoning skills and begin to place more emphasis on the decision-making aspects of particular cases.

Level II courses begin to develop an in-depth focus on biomechanics of each individual joint and the functional movement relationships between different regions.

Level II courses focus on specific biomechanical examinations of each joint in the spinal and peripheral systems, right down the individual spinal segment.

Level II courses focus on specific ligament stress testing and joint stability testing at each joint in the spine and periphery.

Level II courses focus on an intricate development of your examination and intervention techniques, focusing on detail and repetition of skills.

Let us know if you have any questions at all, and click here to find a Level II manual therapy continuing education course in your region!

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