3 Mistakes To Avoid When Working Abroad As A PT

Have you ever volunteered as a PT in another country? Do you hope to one day? Today, Morgan Denny of STAND Haiti is back with a guest post addressing a few mistakes for PTs to avoid when treating abroad. But first, take a second to consider backing STAND’s awesome kickstarter campaign to provide orthopedic healthcare in Haiti! Treatment teams have been… Continue reading 3 Mistakes To Avoid When Working Abroad As A PT

Empirical Evidence. Neuroplasticity. Simplicity.

“Empirical evidence, data, or knowledge, also known as sense experience, is a collective term for the knowledge or source of knowledge acquired by means of the senses, particularly by observation and experimentation.” (Wikipedia) Empirical evidence has a special place in my heart and my practice. My passion and excitement for therapy are increased when I… Continue reading Empirical Evidence. Neuroplasticity. Simplicity.

Rationale for Choosing Dry Needling: A Story

I had a 34 year old gentleman I was treating for a textbook L5 radiculopathy. He was responding beautifully to a combination of a Medrol dose pack, mechanical traction and an extension biased program. After 3 weeks his radicular symptoms were abolished and he was left with mild right lumbosacral pain that was resistant to… Continue reading Rationale for Choosing Dry Needling: A Story

Why North American Institute of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy? Why NASHVILLE? Why NOW?

Why pursue training and mentorship with The North American Institute of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (NAIOMT)? Here are three reasons: 1. Clinical Reasoning NAIOMT is known for its clinical reasoning. Manual therapy has come to be known to some only as a term used for a group of techniques/ mobilizations/ manipulations. This should not be true. It… Continue reading Why North American Institute of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy? Why NASHVILLE? Why NOW?

Cliff Fowler: Clinician, Teacher, Researcher, Innovator

I was able to spend some time with NAIOMT Co-founder Cliff Fowler, PT, MCSP, MCPA, FCAMPT recently at the NAIOMT SI Joint Symposium in Seattle. Cliff has been an OMPT for a long time, and is supposedly retired from work. But, I don’t believe that you ever retire from your passion, and I am so glad… Continue reading Cliff Fowler: Clinician, Teacher, Researcher, Innovator

Ultrasound: Why Do Manual Therapists Cringe At The Request?

Hello from Eugene, Oregon where I’ve been volunteering at the USATF Outdoor Championships! Last year I was chosen along with a dozen or so other physical therapist’s to cover the 2014 IAAF World Junior Championships at Hayward Field in Eugene, Oregon. Like many other professionals who volunteer their time, I do it because I love my… Continue reading Ultrasound: Why Do Manual Therapists Cringe At The Request?

Spinal Manipulations for Larger Patient (Video)

In the manual therapy video below, NAIOMT’s Stacy Soappman, PT, DSc, COMT, FAAOMPT provides some strategies for performing spinal manipulations on patients larger than yourself. These tips are also great for protecting your body when working long days in the clinic. For more manual therapy expertise with Stacy, join her for Cervical Spine II September 24-25 in Denver, CO.

What’s Your Favorite Question For Patients?

What’s your favorite question to ask of patients? Here’s the scenario…your patient presents with a diagnosis of low back pain and you can only ask them one question…what would it be? If your goal is to come up with a preliminary hypothesis, what question could you ask that would garner the most information? So what… Continue reading What’s Your Favorite Question For Patients?

When You’re Treating, Keep This in Mind

At NAIOMT’s 2015 Sacroiliac Joint Symposium in Seattle a few weeks ago, Erl Pettman, PT, MCSP, MCPA, FCAMPT had these important words to say to the packed room of physical therapists. This is at the core of what NAIOMT does, and what sets our organization apart from many others. We teach PTs more than top-notch techniques. We teach them the why… Continue reading When You’re Treating, Keep This in Mind